ISCB Annual General Meeting 2022

Annual General Meeting
of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB)

Wednesday 24 August 2022, 12:15-13:15 BST
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, and online worldwide for membership attending the ISCB43 Conference

1. President’s report
2. Treasurer’s report
3. Subcommittee reports
a. Students Conference Awards
b. Statistics in Regulatory Affairs
c. National Groups
d. Education
e. Conference Organising
f. Early Career Biostatisticians
4. Invitation to ISCB44 in Milan
5. Any Other Business

NB Materials will be presented in summary form only to allow time for questions and discussion. For more detailed information, please see:

All participants of the ISCB conference are welcome to attend the AGM. Please take part and see what the Society does apart from the annual conferences!



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