ISCB 2024 membership fees – Early bird deadline 30 April 2024

Dear colleagues,


We would like to remind you that ISCB membership renewal for the year 2024 is available through the ISCB Office platform, and that the early fees’ deadline of 30 April 2024 is rapidly approaching.


Your ISCB membership can be renewed without credentials, by simply clicking on the personalized autologin form sent to your email address. If for some reason you have not received this renewal invitation, please let us know at


Please note below the ISCB membership fees applicable for year 2024:

ISCB Membership category Early fees
(1 Jan – 30 April 2024)
Regular fees
(1 May – 31 Dec 2024)
Regular members 40 EUR 60 EUR
Student members 10 EUR 30 EUR
Retired or Senior* members 10 EUR 30 EUR
Members from developing countries** 10 EUR 30 EUR
Student members from developing countries** 5 EUR 25 EUR
Retired or Senior* members from developing countries** 5 EUR 25 EUR

* Applicable for members 65+ y.o.

** Low-income economies according to World Bank list.


Membership benefits:

– Discounted registration fee to the ISCB45 annual conference (Thessaloniki-Greece, 21-25 July 2024 |

– Opportunity to join ISCB Subcommittees and to be nominated for the Executive Committee

– Opportunity to participate in decision-making through membership polls and election e-ballots

– Opportunity to write book reviews and keep the book you review

– Access to the Members Area restricted content through the ISCB website

– Communication with info on job opportunities/courses. Opportunity to circulate information within the community through ISCB network (Google Groups)

– News Bulletin & updates

– Networking opportunities

– Discount on subscriptions to Statistics in Medicine and on Wiley books


Further information on the membership renewal process can be found at


Kind regards,

The ISCB Office team

E | W

Call center: +30 210 6833600 (Mon to Fri, 09:00-17:00 EEST)


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